Payroll & HRM in the palm of your hand
With the Celery mobile app, you can easily give employees access to their pay slips and annual statements. Sick leave can be reported and vacation requests can be effortlessly submitted from their phone. Let employees experience how easy it is to manage payroll and HRM information themselves.
- Free mobile app for employees
- All pay slips on your phone in 1 app
- Employees can easily report sick leave and request time-off
- The app is available in Dutch, English, and Spanish

All pay slips in the app
Employees can quickly and easily view all their pay slips via the Celery app on their phone. Using face ID, fingerprint, or another security method, employees log into the app. In a user-friendly overview, they see all their pay slips and annual statements. Pay slips can be easily shared with others via WhatsApp or email through the app.
- Employees receive a notification when the new pay slip is ready
- All pay slips and annual statements in one central place
- Secure login with Two Factor authentication

Easily request time-off via the app
Employees can easily submit a time-off request via the app. The employee fills in the number of days and hours and optionally the reason for leave. After submitting the request, the employee's manager receives the request for review. After the manager's review, the employee receives a response, and if the leave is approved, the number of days and hours are processed with the available leave balance.
- Employees quickly and easily request time-off
- Current overview of available leave hours
- Employee receives notification when time-off is approved
- Ensures clear communication between employee and employer
Download the app for free in the Google Play Store

Download the app for free in the Google Play Store

Easy sick reporting via the app
Employees can quickly and easily report sick via the Celery app. The employee fills in the number of days and hours and optionally the reason for sick leave. The sick report is automatically sent to the manager upon submission and is recorded in Celery. In Celery, it is possible to generate a report at the employee level showing the total number of sick hours in a certain period.
- Employees quickly and easily report sick leave
- Managers receive a notification when employees report sick
- The sick leave balance is visible per employee
- Ensures clear communication between employee and employer
Download the app for free in the Apple App Store

Download the app for free in the Apple App Store

Managers have more workflow insight
The Celery mobile app is not only convenient for employees, but managers also benefit greatly from it. They have better insight into the workflow within the company. Communication between employee and supervisor also becomes more transparent and faster. Managers have real-time insight into who is on vacation, who is sick, and other important events such as birthdays and anniversaries. Managers also easily and quickly approve or reject leave via the app.
- All vacation and sick leave visible in one central place
- Important documents are digitally linked to employees (contracts, evaluations, health insurance documents)
- All employee contact information always at hand
- App ensures clear communication between employer and employee
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