Software update: Sint Maarten taxes and social premiums 2018

Written by Sue van Elteren
Posted on 25 Jan 2018 - 1 minute read

Recently the final Wage Tax table and social insurance premiums 2018 for St. Maarten have become known and updated in Celery.
SZV ZVOV premiums and the Wage Limit remain the same in 2018 as in 2017. The maximum premium basis for the AOV/AWW premium has increased by ANG 2,010.00 to ANG 102,510.00 per year. The premium percentages for AOV/AWW and AVBZ premiums will remain the same in 2018 as in 2017.
The Income Tax table has been slightly increased but the percentages have remained the same. This results in a reduction in wage tax because in 2018 tax payers will therefore stay longer in a lower tax bracket at the same tax rate as before. For example, based on a taxable income of ANG 4,000 per month, ANG 8.70 less wage tax will be deducted in 2018 than in comparison to 2017. In addition, the fiscal allowances in 2018 have increased by a few guilders.
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