Software Update: Importing one-time changes (such as hours worked, overtime, deductions, bonuses etc.)

Written by Sue van Elteren
Posted on 7 Dec 2016 - 2 minutes read

From now on it is possible to import changes while processing a payroll. Due to this new possibility, it is no longer necessary to enter these one-time changes and hours manually. The time saved by this option is huge, and by importing changes based on unique employee numbers and pre-connected wage codes, importing errors is impossible. So, you save a lot of time and the risk of importing incorrect changes is impossible with this new feature!
This importing option is set in Celery per employer in Employer/Integrations. In this feature, Celery offers two options:
1) Generate and use a standard Celery import template or
2) create an import template of your own (existing) import file.
In option 1, Celery will generate an Excel file containing the names and employee numbers of your employees. It also includes the standard Celery wage codes in this file. For example resellers, might send this file to their clients, with the request to provide the future periodic changes in this file.
In option 2, you select your existing changes file and connect the various columns in this file to existing wage codes in Celery by sliding the names of the columns from the left of your screen to the right and to connect an existing wage code.
The actual import of the changes is executed during processing a payroll. In the screen where you usually enter the changes and hours manually, is now an option to select the import file and by selecting the file the changes are imported. Celery will inform you of any errors in the file such as missing employees or employee numbers.
If your import file shows column totals, during processing you can download a PDF changes report in the Check screen under the Approve button. At the bottom of this report you can quickly check the totals of the processed changes if they correspond to the totals in your import file.
This update is free of charge and available for every Celery user.

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