SVb Aruba – SVb wage limit change per July 1 2016

Written by Sue van Elteren
Posted on 7 Jun 2016 - 1 minute read

As of July 1, 2016 the SVB wage limit of AWG 54,600 per year (AWG 4,550 per month) changes to AWG 70,200 per year (AWG 5,850 per month).
That means that for example on employees with an SVb wage of AWG 5,000 per month, ZV insurance will be applicable per July 1, 2016. This means that for this employee also ZV premium has to be paid per July 1, 2016, which previously was not the case until June 30, 2016. With these employees in Celery the ZV premium has to be switched on per July 2016.
Employers have to provide their employees with a SVb registration form and the employees have to visit the SVb with this form for registration per July 1, 2016.

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