Reminder for Sint Maarten: payment SZV Cessantia premium 2020

Written by Sue van Elteren
Posted on 9 Jun 2020 - 1 minute read

Before June 30, 2019 the Cessantia premium 2019 has to be paid to the SZV in St. Maarten.
The Cessantia premium is ANG 40.00 per employee and the number of employees is based on the number of employees in service in December 2019. So for the correct number of employees you should verify the SZV declaration December 2019 and multiply this number of employees with ANG 40.00.
SZV Cessantia premium on Sint Maarten has to be filed using the Cessantia declaration form and has to be paid to the SZV on the same bank account on which the monthly SZV ZV/OV premiums are being paid. Please state with this payment your SZV- and CRIB number and ‘Cessantia premium 2020’.

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