Word een payroll expert met Celery Academy

Written by Sue van Elteren
Posted on 6 Feb 2020 - 1 minute read

The Celery team wishes you a great new financial year! We traditionally start the year with a look back at the highlights of the previous year and look at the plans for the coming year.
Trainingsoverzicht 2020
Last year we proudly launched the Celery Academy. Via the Celery Academy you can follow training courses in the field of payroll and HRM. The training courses are focused on local laws and regulations and can be applied directly in practice. The top 3 most visited trainings in 2019 were:
1. SVB social contributions and payroll tax
2. SBAB – wage tax investigation
3. Tax allowances & (un) taxed expense allowances
In 2020 the first training sessions are planned for the first week of March. You can register via the website.

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