Deadline March 31, 2022 for filing requests BVZ exemption at SVB
Written by Angela Calmero
Posted on 1 Feb 2022 - 1 minute read

Various employee categories who are not insured under this national ordinance are mentioned in the National Ordinance Basic Healthcare Insurance (in Dutch: Landsverordening Basisverzekering Ziektekosten).
Article 2.1 paragraph 2a provides, among other things, that at the time when this national ordinance started, those who were insured for health insurance with an insurance company as referred to in the National Ordinance Supervision Insurance Companies or a foreign insurance company with worldwide coverage against medical expenses, are not insured for BVZ, provided that these insurances offer at least the same coverage as determined in this national ordinance.
In accordance with Article 2.1, paragraph 4, of this National Ordinance, an employee must proof within the first three months of each calendar year that he/she is eligible for a BVZ exemption.
Employees who wish to qualify for the BVZ exemption again in 2022 must therefore request the exemption to the SVB before March 31, 2022.
You can now complete the form for this application online and digitally on the SVB website via this link.

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